Studio session 1
Cake, coffee, colour, craft and cowgirlblues… what’s not to like?!?!
- Bridget gives some pointers
- Intense concentration
- Julia at work
We held our first Open Day at the cowgirlblues studio last Saturday. Twenty keen knitters joined us at the studio for a quick tour of the spinning, dyeing and winding process and then we all sat down for a lesson in knitting the Hawick (pronounced ‘hoick’) cowl. The cowl was designed by Rachel Atkinson for Loop in London, one of the cowgirlblues wool stockists. It’s knitted in a simple slip stitch pattern that creates a lovely ‘tweed’ effect though without the hassle of knitting with more than one colour at a time. Everyone picked their own colours, and it was fascinating to see how each combination produced an entirely different result.
Have a look at the original free pattern on the Loop website here.
A great time was had by all – matching colours, struggling over stitches and generally enjoying our collective love of wool and craft (and cake!).
Our next Saturday class will be crochet, on July 25th.
Watch this space for more classes to come…